Fortnite Fans Have Started Making Final Fantasy 14-Style Raid Boss Battles

A while back, Fortnite introduced a series of tools that creators could use to create their own maps, and these tools provided enough creative freedom that players were soon using them to mimic entirely different genres. We’ve seen all kinds of weird and wonderful creation from Fortnite players ever since these tools were introduced, though none have managed to capture the feeling of a Final Fantasy 14 raid boss quite as well as the DoomsDay: Raid Boss Battle has.

Uploaded last week (thanks Kotaku), this map has a very intimidating golden giant that a team of six players are tasked with taking down. It has a wide range of attacks at its disposal, most of them are AoEs that threaten to wipe out any party that isn’t properly prepared for them, though there are plenty of others you need to be ready for. To take on this goliath, you’ll need to choose one of three roles (Assault, Support, or Vanguard), ensuring your team is properly built. You can see the fight play out in a video by YouTuber RoyalMishMash down below.

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If you were hoping you and your squad could be the first to beat it, that accolade has already been claimed by Mlick, who uploaded a video of their victory to their Twitter account yesterday. Upon taking down the The God of Exiles, a short cutscene plays in which the camera pans out and you watch the creature fizzle out of existence.

What makes this fight so reminiscient of Final Fantasy 14 is the amount of preparation these players had to undergo to pull this feat off. Sure, the fact that it’s a holy golden being that’s fought in a big space arena gives it that Final Fantasy 14-esque vibe, but prior tweets from Mlick show that raid diagrams needed to be drawn up in order to properly dodge attacks and coordinate their team members. If you’ve seen the more intense Final Fantasy 14 raid bosses, you’ll know exactly why it’s ringing so many bells for fans of the title.

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Hopefully, creator of the map Sigirs sees all the positive attention it’s been getting and gives us another raid boss to take a crack at, because not only does the fight actually look fun and well-designed, but it adds more value to Fortnite to have talented people creating unique content for fellow players to try out. Who knows, it may even convince some Fortnite fans to try out Final Fantasy 14 for the first time, though don’t go expecting you’ll be able to hit the griddy in the middle of Eorza.

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